Wednesday 6 August 2014

The Advantages of Online GPS Vehicle Tracking

Online vehicle tracking is a program that allows one to keep track of the status of a vehicle, the time it will take to reach a particular destination and also to know minute-to-minute status of the vehicle. A high-quality GPS (Global Positioning System) is used to keep track of the vehicle. A GPS receiver is placed in the vehicle, and it connects with the satellites, which in turn is connected to the tracking network. So, a GPS device can be used both ways – to help drivers find the easiest route to the destination and also to allow you to keep track of the vehicle.

There are many advantages of using an online GPS tracking system. Listed below are some of the advantages of using this system based on the type of use:

For Families

Whether children or adults, when someone takes the vehicle for the trip, the other members of the family will worry about where they are and if they have encountered any problem. Moreover, it is not safe to constantly call up the driver as it could take their mind away from the road, which could lead to accidents. An online vehicle tracking system offers a safe and convenient alternative. It is very useful, especially if the children are driving. Parents can keep track of their kid’s whereabouts using this tracking system.

For Employees

An online GPS tracking system is also very beneficial to employees, especially when they are using the company’s vehicle. It is also very useful for employees who receive reimbursement for travel expenses from the company. The first benefit is that the tracker will have all the details of the trip, from the distance traveled and route taken. So, the employee will be able to provide valid details and reimburse the money spent. The tracker also has provides details for assistance during accidents, speed traps or any other dispute. Another advantage of the online vehicle tracker is that it helps drivers take the shortest routes and also alerts in case of any maintenance. Final and most important benefit is safety. Even if the employee doesn’t inform anyone about the trip or the route, in case there is any accident the details can be recovered immediately and help can be rushed to the exact spot as quickly as possible.

For Employers

The biggest advantage for employers is increased productivity. By keeping a close eye on all the vehicles, they will be able to easily identify drivers taking longer routes or wasting time on commutation. It also prevents unauthorized use and provides detailed data about the distance traveled, route taken and more to maintain logs.